Barbara's story continued...
"I had a hunch that it was something to do with me! But, it took the most junior member of the team to tell me what I had done to upset them all. Without a mentor, I was left to repair the damage by myself and spent months trying to rebuild staff morale.
I learnt from those early mistakes and ensured that I didn’t repeat them as I progressed along my career path. However, I later discovered that there are different - and more advanced - skills to acquire when you move into the director level. Again, I had to learn by my mistakes. It was painful and at times I was extremely unhappy at work. Some of the lessons learnt came to me only after I had left jobs. Looking back, a mentor would have made such a difference to me at that time.
I have mentored and coached hundreds of women at work, helping them to acquire knowledge and apply practical tools and techniques to lead and manage staff with skill and enjoyment, as they navigate their career path. Through my understanding of your issues, I will equip you to excel in your aspirations. As you commit to your learning and personal development, I commit to your success."
Barbara Bradbury
TD, MPhil, BSc (Hons), RGN, Dip C
London, 2017.